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Launch Campaign

Step into a world ofElevated Factor IX levels
that last for years

Helping a community realize a new level of freedom
from the impact of hemophilia B

This campaign is based on the clear, resonant promise of elevating
people to
explore more freedom from the burden of hemophilia B. With
the FDA approval
of HEMGENIX, patients are now free to enter a new world
of possibilities that
once represented previously unattainable goals. The
transformative impact of
HEMGENIX extends beyond people with hemophilia B
to include friends or family
members, showcasing that the benefits of treatment
extend to the entire
community of people impacted by hemophilia B.


A vibrant and hopeful aestheticTurn a dream into an
attainable reality

Print Collateral


Simple Interactions and messagesEncourage access
and trust for all users
