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Social Media

“High-Wire Act”
Campaign for Kengreal

When you have a clogged artery to the heart, a PCI procedure restores blood flow. The last thing docs want to have happen during that procedure is a clot, so they use antiplatelet meds to keep everything flowing. Kengreal is one such antiplatelet—it’s an IV option among a sea of orals, and it works almost immediately. But when should docs break from their usual, cheap-as-dirt oral to use more-expensive Kengreal instead?

The “Hire-Wire Act” campaign was born to dispel that confusion. It tells physicians to use Kengreal whenever they have a high-risk case, so they can be assured that everything will go smoothly. In it, a surgeon carefully navigates a blood vessel in an angiogram which instantly telegraphs a high-risk situation, and the social campaign outlines all the potential risky scenarios a physician could face. Docs now understand that whenever they have a case that is not straight-forward—that’s a Kengreal case.


IV KENGREAL® (cangrelor). For confidence during
high-risk PCI cases.*
