building award show momentum through industry camaraderie

Award shows. They are a time to celebrate hard work and the crazy people who commit to doing it for a living. The AbelsonTaylor Group partnered with the MM+M agency this year to honor the special archetypes that go into advertising.

The campaign’s goal: showcase our top-notch creative spirit with a campaign that makes its viewers feel seen and celebrated, while subtly implanting the fun ATG atmosphere into the minds of future clients and talent.

The Archetypes
of Advertising

You know them—the coworkers who live up to the hype of their role. The account director better known for refereeing the client and creative director. The copywriter whose pharmalingual skills have them speaking doctor fluently.

The Stay Special Campaign leverages agency stereotypes to stop scrollers, provoke interaction from advertising professionals, and build anticipation for the big award show night. These hardworking posts do more than celebrate what makes each advertising personality special. They showcase the creativity that makes our workplace fun and the positive attributes each department brings to the table to make our client’s work a success.

A lasting impression

The archetypes of the Stay Special campaign rang true with a whopping 12,152 impressions on LinkedIn and a 340% increase in engagement from MM&M’s previous award show agency partnership.

  • 12,152 impressions
  • 455 clicks
  • 221 reactions

A 340% increase in engagement from MM&M’s 2020 social campaign partnership