The Void is an awareness campaign designed to inspire healthcare professionals to reevaluate their treatment algorithms for plaque psoriasis.
The provocative approach exposes the truth that there is a void—symbolizing unmet needs for patients—in the current topical landscape. A pile of partially used topicals dramatizes the bags and medicine cabinets that patients have filled with failed treatments. The campaign elevates the idea, serving as a platform to engage healthcare professionals on what is needed in future psoriasis management and topical treatment—ultimately challenging them to ask how they can rethink topicals to impact patients’ lives.
An animated and interactive website communicates the concept, connecting with healthcare professionals in intriguing style. The audience may take a poll to learn what their peers are saying about the subject of topical treatment, as well as register to receive the latest PsO-related information from Arcutis.

Direct marketing postcards and print advertisements introduce healthcare professionals to the Void and ask them to share their perspectives online.
Presented by Arcutis Biotherapeutics, the Void campaign reflects the company’s mission to champion meaningful innovation within medical dermatology.